Title : Menya Kokoro's Yuzu Pork Hiyashi in Tanjong Pagar
link : Menya Kokoro's Yuzu Pork Hiyashi in Tanjong Pagar
Menya Kokoro's Yuzu Pork Hiyashi in Tanjong Pagar
I'm a fan of the mazesoba at Menya Kokoro. But one big reason why I like it so much is the same reason why I haven't gone back to eat it again: green onions. Yep, it tastes delicious, but no one wants to be near me within a twenty foot radius afterwards.
So I was delighted to find that their new 100AM outlet (100 Tras Street #02-10, 6443-1727) has a few new menu items like this yuzu hiyashi, which wasn't garnished with chopped green onions like the mazesoba. The noodles were impressively firm, and the taste was balanced nicely.
There was one problem though: it turned out that there were still green onions in there, but they were julienned rather than chopped. It didn't overpower the taste, but it was still obvious that I had eaten onions for lunch (yes, I know that I can remove it, but then it just doesn't taste as good!). So no, I am not going back.
thus Article Menya Kokoro's Yuzu Pork Hiyashi in Tanjong Pagar
that is all articles Menya Kokoro's Yuzu Pork Hiyashi in Tanjong PagarThis time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting .
You now read the article Menya Kokoro's Yuzu Pork Hiyashi in Tanjong Pagar with the link address https://momentandadventure.blogspot.com/2019/07/menya-kokoros-yuzu-pork-hiyashi-in.html
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